what is manifesting?
Manifestation, as it is popularly defined today, refers to bringing one’s thoughts, desires, wishes, or emotions into physical form. The process by which manifestation occurs is based on three basic tenets:
Everything in the universe is energy, including physical objects, thoughts, emotions, and elements
All energy moves in waves, also called vibrations; different vibrations produce and are produced by different objects, emotions, thoughts, and so on
Things with a similar vibration are attracted to one another; this tendency is referred to as the “Law of Attraction”
Manifestation and the Law of Attraction have become very popular, rising most recently into mainstream awareness in the 1980s and steadily amassing more and more attention and adherents in the years since. But Manifestation and the Law of Attraction are not recent discoveries. The modern idea of energies attracting one another appears in the mid-1800s. Men and women in the New Thought movement of the mid-19th century introduced the ideas of magnetism and vibration in the context of healing and spiritual experience. The phrase “Law of Attraction” comes into print in the first decade of the 20th Century. The individuals who coined the terms Manifestation and the Law of Attraction as we are defining them here, drew their ideas from their explorations of ancient religious texts, indigenous philosophies, and the writings of medieval alchemists and scientists, as well as attributing their knowledge to non-ordinary experiences, like channeling and psychic readings.
Indigenous people around the world are familiar with and accepting of ideas and experiences that are analogous to Manifestation. For those of us who have lost our connections to our native lands and beliefs, it may be more difficult to visualize or connect to non-ordinary experiences. Some examples might be helpful. Prayers for healing may be understood as a practice that puts the supplicant into a vibrational state that is compatible with the state of being healed. Meditation has been shown to produce measurable and dynamic physiological changes in the body. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy utilizes changes in thinking to produce changes in emotions and behaviors, while somatic therapies utilize changes in physical postures or behaviors to create therapeutic changes in thoughts and emotions. Positive psychology research has demonstrated that increasing one’s focus on positive thoughts and emotions is correlated with an increase in the number of positive events the individual experiences – events that are not overtly related to the focus of the positive thoughts.
There is an abundance of information available on Manifestation and the Law of Attraction. Books, podcasts, videos, and websites devoted to these subjects abound. If you would like to explore how Manifestation and the Law of Attraction might fit into your life, or if you would like to curate your personalized plan for exploring the vast landscape of Manifesting, I invite you to schedule a free consultation with me. Together, we can establish if this field of exploration feels meaningful to you, understand what you hope to encounter, and map out your best approach to your journey of discovery.
Reference resources include:
The Abraham/Esther Hicks https://www.abraham-hicks.com
Jack Kornfield jackkornfield.com
Brene Brown https://brenebrown.com/
Joseph Campbell https://www.jcf.org/
Kyle Cease https://kylecease.com/
Greg Braden https://greggbraden.com/
“The Power of Positive Thinking” by Norman Vincent Peale
Joe Dispenza https://drjoedispenza.com/